Download Formats: M4V, AVI, MTS, MKV, M2TS, 3GP, ASF
original title: Fullmetal Alchemist
genge: Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Sci-Fi
imdb: 8.6
duration: 2h 15min
keywords: transmutation, bespectacledmale, fatheranddaughter, suitofarmour, bespectacledman, sceneafterendcredits

This movie being no exception. Now, granted, it has a few things going for it. For one, it looks much better than I'd dared to hope. Sure, even modern video games have more realistic textures, at least the best ones, but the effects in this film are realistic enough to please. It also helps that they look exactly how they're supposed to. Alphonse's armour looks frankly beautiful. Sure it's obviously CGI, but the design itself is straight from the anime and works surprisingly well. Likewise with many of the human character designs. Envy, for example, is nigh perfect and Gluttony, while looking a bit different, still retains the essence of the character.
They also got a few of the characters pretty well. Some, like Edward Elric and Colonel Mustang are a bit off - with Riza Hawkeye being miles off and in a really uncomfortable way - but Captain Hughes is just about as he should be. If he was given time to shine, that is.
And that right there is the biggest problems this film has. It's bullet point storytelling. It's trying to cram half a season into a run-time bit over two hours and it just doesn't work. Half of the scenes feel rushed, there's the bare minimum of character development if even that, and the cool fight scenes take up too much of the screen time. And yet there are scenes that go on way too long. There are odd pauses between lines of dialogues and the film has problems cutting away from a scene, leading to awkward silences. In the hands of a talented editor this could easily have been an hour and a half movie without taking anything away from the story.
If you absolutely have to see Fullmetal Alchemist as a live-action adaptation, there are a few good things in this film. Personally I had to immediately go and watch the original classic to purge this abomination from my retinas. Instances of alchemy abound in the narrative — walls are converted into projectiles, brick courtyards into hungry beasts — but the same magic can’t improve soap opera-like theatrics, the overuse of expositional dialogue or an eagerness to flit between action scenes.
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